This tutorial will once again be targeting a login page which intentionally has vulnerabilities built into the application. Fuzzing can focus on different types of vulnerabilities and parameters within web applications (e.g. XSS, SQL injection, queries, directory paths, etc…), although this tutorial will focus on parameters vulnerable to SQL injection. Foudstone’s documentation lets us know that the username input is vulnerable to SQL injection so we can try fuzzing it with Webscarab to find other possible injections. First we’ll try and login with the username ‘test’ and password ‘test’. This can be seen in Fig.
Trying to login
This will not log us into the application but WebScarab will capture
the login process in the summary tab. Once this has happened find the
login conversation in the summary tab. After you have found the login
conversation simply right click and select “Use as fuzz template”, this
will send the parameters and headers associated with that request /
conversation to the fuzzing tab. Selection of the login request can be
seen in Fig
Send conversation to fuzz template
Now navigate to the Fuzzer tab within Webscarab. Here you’ll see all
the parameters that are associated with that request / conversation. You
could add parameters to the request and see how the web application
reacts to different paths, value, or types. You could also delete
parameters for simplicity and to also see how the application reacts
with those parameters missing. Once you have determined the parameters
for fuzzing you’ll need to define a fuzz source. So click on the
“Sources” button beside “Start” and “Stop” within the Fuzzer tab. Here
you will choose a dictionary style text file that contains parameters
you want to fuzz with. I chose a SQL injection dictionary because we
know the “username” field is vulnerable to SQL injections. The selection
of the SQL injection dictionary can be seen in Fig.
Choosing fuzz source
In my SQL injection dictionary I have 66 items, but Webscarab does
not have a limit. There are lots of SQL injection dictionaries out
there, some are even dedicated towards different platforms (e.g. MySQL,
MS SQL Server, DB2, etc…). I got most of my SQL attacks from Andres
Andreu’s website Neurofuzz, the dictionary I pulled from can be found here.
In this tutorial we won’t be trying to fuzz for XSS vulnerabilities but has a now infamous XSS dictionary which is a great
resource. Once all dictionary sources are added go to the main Fuzzer
tab and assign parameters a fuzz source. This can be done via a drop
down menu as seen in Fig.
Drop down menu containing fuzz source
In order to prevent a parameter from being fuzzed simply leave the
“Fuzz Source” field blank or delete the parameter altogether. In this
case the “user_login” is the only parameter that will reiterate through
the SQLattack dictionary. The next step is to click on “Start” and let
Webscarab try all of your parameters within the dictionary. This means
the value “test” will be replaced with values inside the SQL injection
attack dictionary and new request is sent to the web server for every
attack parameter inside your dictionary. The fuzzer in action can be
seen in Fig
Running the fuzzer
Notice the “Total Requests” and the “Current Request”, once the
fuzzer has run through all of the parameters in the SQL injection
dictionary both of these numbers will be 68. Also notice the ID number
97 on the left hand side of the table, this is the first request of the
fuzzing operation. The last request will have an ID number of 164, it’s
important to keep track of these request ID’s when reviewing results of
the fuzzing operation. I have found myself reviewing requests that
weren’t fuzzed and accidentally identified requests as not being
vulnerable when in fact they were.Once the fuzzer has made all of the requests a review of the results is needed to see if any of the attack parameters succeeded in a SQL injection. I do this simply by going back to the summary tab and opening up the first conversation of the fuzzing process. I then manually step through every conversation involved in the fuzzing operation and look for any “interesting differences” between responses. The phrase interesting differences is in quotation marks because fuzzing and looking for SQL injections is not an exact science but knowing how an application normally deals with the input will be helpful in determining what should and should not be expected in a HTTP response. Let’s take a look at some of our fuzzing conversations to get a better idea of discovering differences. Have a look at the first fuzzing request, note the value of the “user_login” parameter in the request and the value of the “Location” in the response. This can be seen in Fig.
First fuzzed conversation
Here it’s seen that the first value in the attack dictionary was
actually used for the username value, good to know Webscarab is
functioning properly. The top of Figure 6 shows that a POST request is
sent to /account/login to check the credentials of the user, since the
first SQL injection is not a valid user the response is to redirect back
to the login screen. Keep in mind when looking at these conversation
screen shots that the top half of the figure is the request and the
lower half is the response. It can be deferred from this conversation
that if an invalid username is inserted into the web application the
response will be a redirect to the login screen. So when looking through
the other SQL injected conversations it would be a good idea to look
for a redirect to another location or an error message. It’s always a
good idea to look for database error messages when trying to find SQL
injection vulnerabilities within a web application. Stepping through the
other conversations I notice something different, this can be seen in
SQL injection changed redirect location
Looks like on conversation 103 one of the SQL injections in the
attack dictionary changed the location of the redirect to /lobby/games.
Let’s throw the injection value back into the web application and see
what the response may be. The request can be seen in Fig
SQL injection request on login page
The response to this SQL injection can be seen below in Fig
SQL injection response (successful login )
Looks like the SQL injection gave us access to Andy Aces’ account.
This occurred because we added the phrase “or 1=1″ (which is always
true) to the end of the SQL query that authenticates the users to login
page. The reason Andy Aces’ account was hijacked is because his name is
the first one in the database. Guess having the last name Altman could
be bad for me as well? Looking through the other conversations there
appears to be another SQL injection that worked as well, this can be
seen in Fig.
Another successful SQL injection
The hits just keep on coming. This may seem to easy but there are
plenty of web applications out in the wild that don’t validate input and
let malicious users manipulate their application and backend databases.
SQL injections within a web application can be a serious vulnerability
depending on the data held within the database. Had this scenario been
real a malicious user could have taken over access over account.The fuzzing functionality of Webscarab makes web application vulnerability assessment a more automated process. Manually entering all of those SQL injection attacks can take a very long time. There is a downside to the dictionary approach though, your dictionary may not be as creative as a malicious user. Some people believe that a fuzzer should generate random input and that you should try thousands of requests in order to properly test a web application. Thousands of random requests could be better but stepping through those requests to determine validity can make for a long day. Although if one were to take the random input approach Webscarab has a solution for stepping through those results, the Compare and Search functionality.
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